Thursday 18 October 2012

Another change?

Hey all.  You've no doubt noticed the inconsistency here.  I want to start by reaffirming that I do indeed want to keep up this blog.  Now comes the bad part.

So I notice how many of my posts are video game related.  As in using a great twist in my self definition of the blog to go off on tangents in video games that don't relate to pen and paper role playing games.  Or writing creatively.  I'd like to keep that up, but I'm aware of how much of my writing takes video games for a subject.  I'm not going to fight the madness anymore, but I will channel it into a proper video game blog.  That should keep the content here streamlined and focused on role playing games and creative writing.

That also means I need to make a great effort to come back to regular posts.  Heh, sorry again.  Again. :( But I hope you guys will indulge me, as my many myriod thoughts on video games will likely keep the creative energies few and far between.  Not withstanding new projects.  I've got to choose those more carefully...

Hope to write you guys again soon.

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